Saturday, November 23, 2019

'Sound of the Sasquatch:' I've heard it

The CBC radio program The Current featured a segment last week about a man who has written a book about the Sasquatch.
The book, In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond: In Search of the Sasquatch by John Zada explores how this supernatural creature seems part of many cultures.
Recently a hunter near Sioux Lookout, just east of Red Lake, heard what he took to be a sasquatch and recorded the encounter on his cell phone. Here is the link:

As soon as I listened to this frightening video I recognized I had heard this sound before, just once, up at Red Lake. I would likely also have put the call down to something supernatural because there just didn't seem to be any ordinary creature in the Boreal Forest that could make it. I didn't have a cell phone to record the hideous sound, which was a pity because I don't think most people believed me when I retold the story. I did, however, have the good fortune to actually see the creature make the sound. In fact, I was only about 50 feet away and had an unobstructed view. I also wasn't alone; our son, Josh, saw the whole thing too. We were both in the same canoe.
I did a search for the sound and the creature on YouTube and found it: Here is that link:
The creature seemed angry and we quickly paddled away.

1 comment:

Dan Baughman said...

Well, it isn't very loud.

Quiz of the day: what's this?