Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Look, Ma, No Smoke!

 This is in response to a comment I made a couple of blog posts back about how our high-efficiency Napoleon wood stove produces no smoke.

Incidentally, the clean-burn of these stoves also means less chimney-cleaning. I inspect our chimney annually but it has never needed cleaning. I have a friend with a much taller chimney than mine who also hasn't needed to sweep his chimney after switching to a high-effer. He used to clean his chimney monthly.


Anonymous said...

Dan, it's amazing how clean that burns and thanks for sharing after my comments about the pollution some stoves cause. (not near as much as say some vehicles). Does the stove reduce the amount of wood you would burn compared to an older model?
Mike S

Dan Baughman said...

Yes. We burn about a quarter to a third less firewood than with a conventional wood burner.

Quiz of the day: what's this?