Tuesday, December 20, 2022

No dreaming of a white Christmas needed


Bing Crosby got his wish! We are certain to have a White Christmas in Northwestern Ontario.

There is now two feet of snow on the ground and more is arriving every day. 

Here is an actual headline from our local newspaper: "Snow and cold predicted for this winter."

Shades of the Hippy Dippy Weatherman: "Sunny today, getting darker towards evening."

If you are a Glass Half-Full person, you can see the benefits of lots of snow -- plenty of moisture for trees, less chance of forest fire next summer, etc.

If you are a Glass Half-Empty guy you can see that the snow is breaking the trees and we could be in store for another flood year come May.

If you are a household member who doesn't get involved in its removal, snow is, "Just beautiful!"

But if you are a member of the shovel brigade, snow means ibuprofen, heating pads and liniment.

Most of the creatures in the Boreal Forest figured out what to do long ago. They don't go floundering around with just their little noses peeking above the white stuff. No, they grew snowshoes to stay on the top.  

First Nations people took their clue from nature and made their own snowshoes, and toboggans. By the way, do you know how to say moose in Ojibwe? Oh, I guess you do.

I'm headed out now with our lab, Doc, to break trail, again, on our acreage in Nolalu. If I don't get back in time, Merry Christmas, everyone!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas. Glad you are blogging again.

Ray G said...

Dan: Merry Christmas to you and Brenda and DOC too. I really like the forecast from the most trusted weather Man. "Sunny today, getting darker towards evening.

All my best to you folks

Quiz of the day: what's this?