Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A sad note: Cork has died

 We had Cork put down yesterday. He had cancer.

Lots of you knew Cork, so I just thought I would let you know.

He was six weeks shy of being 7 years old.


Pat said...

We are very sad to hear that. We were blessed with 16 years with our dog that we had to let cross the rainbow bridge in April.

Best wishes.


Jimmy T said...

Another great dog, that was the first to greet you at the pier when you arrived crosses the rainbow bridge. Thinking of both of you Jim Tegtmeier ❤️

Ray G said...

Dan and Brenda: We are so sorry to hear about Cork our little friend. We will miss him coming up to great us. He seemed just fine when we last saw him over at the cabin site. This is never easy, and our thoughts will be with you.

Ray and Don

Kim Gross said...

I'm sure sorry to hear that. I always enjoyed throwing sticks for him to chase.


neil said...

Very sorry to hear this Dan. I had to put my 7 year old GSP down a year ago due to complications from bone cancer. It's such a difficult loss, especially when they are young. I hope Cork's memories soothe the pain a little.

Unknown said...

Oh my, sad to hear this. He was a good pup. Tom

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