Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Does anybody read this?

It seems to me, from what I can determine from Google's blog diagnostics, that perhaps I am blogging to only a handful of people. If so, there probably is no reason to continue.
If you read the blog, could you drop me a comment saying so? You don't have to leave your name, if you don't want. Thanks.


kenneth conkle said...

yes dan i check about once a week to see if you have posted, enjoy them very much!

Unknown said...

I read it all the time check it every few days

Anonymous said...

I look at it at least twice a week; have followed your blog(s) for several years please don't quit.

Rex Thorne said...

Hi Dan,
Yes, I check out your blog weekly & enjoy it immensely! We were at BN in August while you were building, but didn't get a chance to stop over. Going in June with 8 family members, August with 7 & might increase to 10, & lastly September with just Cheri & myself. Cheri has promised to guide me on that trip! Just had a right hip replaced, so still on the mend. We hope you & Brenda are doing great. Brian & Joanne are taking good care of us as you can tell from us booking 3 trips to BN.
Take care,
Rex & Cheri Thorne

Dan Baughman said...

Thank you, everybody! I only just posted this and already four of you wrote in. There must actually be a bunch who read the blog. As I suspected, the Google diagnostic tool isn't correct. On the old Bow Narrows Blog I had a different counter but never installed it on the Ain't Life Wild site. OK, I'll keep going. Thank you all for taking the time to write. Dan

joe overman said...

I check it every day, Dee checks a couple times a week

Anonymous said...

Dan, I check you blog every day of the week. I am ready to book a second fishing trip for 2020 and considering Bow Narrows and hope to meet you and thank you for your blog personally. (Yes I know you don't run it any longer but I can troll by your new lake house and see the progress you are making)

Anonymous said...

Been reading it for years. Lot's of great information on fishing and nature. Look forward to see what you've captured on the trail cams. When you don't post, it's a sad day:)

Steve Bown said...

I check your blog daily, great content about global warming, nature Ect.

Kim Gross said...


I check your blog almost every day. I enjoy the stories and the great pictures. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see you and Brenda the last week of July!


Pat Ozment said...

I try to read all your blogs
Pat Ozment

Anonymous said...

I do check in and read your blog...

Anonymous said...

Been following your blog since 2014 when I fished Red Lake for the first time and happened to boat by Bow Narrows during that trip. Looked up the lodge and found your blog. Love your nature and wildlife postings, but the history you have provided on Red Lake has been my favorite ones over the years. Keep on blogging.....you can only cut so much firewood to fill that new shed...LOL.


Dan Baughman said...

Rex, you sure have a lot of fishing planned this summer! We intend to be at the cabin site most of the time so make sure you stop in. Good luck on the hip replacement recovery. We agree with you that Brian and Joanne are doing a great job at the camp. We couldn't be happier that it was them that took over.

Anonymous said...

I read it all the time Dan. Paul Styve

Anonymous said...

I am patiently waiting for the book!!

Dan Baughman said...

There is a good chance it will be done by next summer!

Anonymous said...

Don't stop writing Dan! You're information is so interesting. Always makes me think! Keep on keeping on! Thanks

Kim Gross said...

You should bring some copies of your book to the cabin site this summer. I bet you'd sell a bunch of them!

Jim said...

I read weekly.

Mark Noll said...

Dan, Andrew and I continue to follow your blog -- we are hoping to see you in one of the upcoming summers at Red Lake...

Mark and Andrew Noll

Charles Howard said...

Dan, I do check out your blog quite often. I seldom make a comment so, if a comment is required to log in the "blog head count", it's missing me.
I do enjoy reading your blogs very much and always enjoy seeing the pictures of your part of the "wilderness". The wildlife photos are great and I often save them to my photo file, sometimes do edits and, sometimes, print them. I don't see lynx everyday walking in MY backyard so it's exciting to me see the photos.
I especially enjoy reading your accounts of your life experiences in the wild and live them with you vicariously!
Speaking of reading your stories when is the next chapter of your book expected to be published? I printed the first chapter and am waiting to add to my FREE book.
Hope to see you in July! My best to you and Brenda!

Anonymous said...

yea love it

Anonymous said...

Just found your new blog and binge read all of them in a few days. Keep writing you're very good at it!

Anonymous said...

I had a close friend who has since passed that used to visit your lodge. We shared a love for the outdoors, nature and fishing trips to the north woods. He mentioned your blog and for many years I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your writings, documenting of nature and the local wildlife and your stories of times past.

Anonymous said...

I read and look for your blog quite often. I am not a big reader but I do look forward to anything you post.

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