Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Clarity on Bushnell Core impressive

Click on photo for larger view
I bought a new trail camera this fall. It is the Bushnell Core.
The definition to its daytime photos is incredible as the shot above proves. Night photos are not as sharp, which is to be expected.
Both of my previous Bushnell Trophy Cams died last year but they were nearly 10 years old and owed me nothing.
It remains to be seen how the Core functions in extreme cold. The Trophy Cams worked even in -40 temperatures.


kenneth conkle said...

very nice dan, ihave 6 bushnells and just retired 1 this summer that was 11 years old!

Dan Baughman said...

It was great to see you as well.

Dan Baughman said...

Hi Ken,
That's a lot of trail cameras! I'm envious. I probably will get one more, bringing me back to my original three.

Quiz of the day: what's this?