Sunday, August 5, 2018

Climate change will cost us dearly

Ontario's new Conservative premier Doug Ford has scrapped all of Ontario's measures to fight climate change, from incentives to install solar panels and buy electric vehicles to the cap-and-trade system of carbon pricing. It's just too expensive, he says.
By too expensive, he means it will cost the biggest corporations who are the biggest polluters more unless they curb their emissions.
What this moron doesn't say and what the "base" that elected him into office doesn't seem to have the marbles to ask about is what is the cost of doing nothing? Well, here's what: life is going to become much, much more expensive for the average person, starting right now.
Your home and vehicles are going to get ruined routinely. How many times do you make an insurance claim for a hail-pounded roof or for a flooded or tornado-flattened house before the insurance company raises your rates? In fact, the time is quickly approaching when companies will simply refuse to cover you. Can you afford to replace your entire home through your savings every few years? Mega-millionaire Doug Ford can.
Rainfalls of Biblical proportions are already happening and they are going to get worse. Who pays to fix the washed out roads, bridges and highways? Charles Koch and his smug network of dark money billionaires? No, you do, the average guy. It is going to cost so much that we will likely abandon some roadways for good.
What is going to happen to food prices when entire crops are wiped out, over and over? Does Trumpsky care?
People, wake up! Get these idiots out of office.

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