Saturday, June 2, 2018

Something missing in woods this spring

Only a couple days behind schedule, the Canada Mayflower
All the spring woodland flowers are coming out here in Nolalu. Although the temperature at the moment is quite cool (5 C in the morning) we just had a week of glorious warmth in the high 20s C (80s F).
In addition to the Canada Mayflower aka wild Lily of the Valley above, I have seen the Bunchberry, Wild Strawberry, Wood Violet, Fringed Polygala and Blue Bead Lily.
Flocks of Canada Geese are streaming overhead.
Ruby Throated Hummingbirds are buzzing between the lilac bushes and the nectar feeders.
Tree Swallows are nesting in two of our nesting boxes and Eastern Bluebirds in one of the others.
Whiskyjacks (aka Grey Jay and Canada Jay) have already fledged. Robins have hatched.
In other words the bush is alive with all sorts of creatures ... except one.
To date, I have not seen a single wood tick!
It would seem the frigid winter we just experienced was just too much for this arachnid. It's hard to accept but what other explanation could there be?
As you can imagine, no one is complaining!

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