Thursday, April 19, 2018

Yeah, baby! Temps finally hit normal

Northwestern Ontario is getting its first double-digit C temperatures! We're looking at highs of 12 C (53 F) for the next four or five days. That is pretty much normal temperature for this time of year.
We should see significant melting of snow now and the beginning of the thaw for lakes and rivers.


Anonymous said...

Are you still guessing the 19th for ice out?

Dan Baughman said...

My guess is that it would take above-normal temperatures from this point forward to produce a usual ice-out on Red Lake which is May 8. We have just gotten our first normal temperatures and it seems from the forecast that they will continue for the next couple of weeks. That is great news but when considering there is about an extra foot of ice on lakes this year and the extra time needed to melt it, I still think ice-out will be later than normal, so sometime after May 8. This year we have just begun the thaw of ice and snow and that is probably two weeks later than normal. So, everything at this point still looks like a late ice-out. But who knows? May might turn out to be way warmer than normal.

Quiz of the day: what's this?