Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Foot of snow falls on Nolalu area

Well, it is just what we didn't want. A foot of heavy snow fell on the southern and eastern regions of Northwestern Ontario over Sunday and Monday. This will delay ice-out on area lakes and rivers by a week at a time when almost nothing in the way of melting has even started.
Red Lake escaped the late-winter surprise.


Doug Billings said...

Hey Dan!

Should I bring my mukluks and snowshoes for our baseball game in June? Ha!

That is wild weather you are still dealing with. We are having an unusually cold time here in Tennessee this spring as well. I'm sure our hot and humid weather will show up just the same, and we will wish for the cold to return once again.


Dan Baughman said...

We used to say the only two months you could depend upon for not having snow were July and August. Then one year at camp we had snow the first day of July and the last day of August!
The outlook for spring here in the Thunder Bay area is really grim now. We might not have ice-out until June 15 the way things are going. Thunder Bay of Lake Superior has six feet of ice on it. We're back to two feet of snow on the ground in Nolalu, same as we had in February. No one has seen a migrating bird yet.
Fortunately for all you fishermen heading to places like Red Lake this spring, the weather there is finally approaching near-normal and the prognosis for ice-out is that it will be late but in the realm of normalcy.

Quiz of the day: what's this?