Thursday, January 25, 2018

On a clear day we can almost see forever

From the corner of our house we can see Mount Baldy, one of two ski hills near Thunder Bay
Northwestern Ontario still has some of the cleanest, clearest air in the world. From our home on a foothill of Silver Mountain, just south of Nolalu village, we can see Mount Baldy, a ski hill 64 kilometres (40 miles) away.
We could easily see the smoke and lights of Thunder Bay (50 kms) except that a range of hills, part of the Norwester Mountains, blocks our view.
The elevation of Thunder Bay, at the top of the Great Lakes, is 199 meters above sea level. Nolalu is obviously higher yet but I don't know it's exact elevation. My guess is about another 100 meters.
Distance in the image above is distorted by the use of a telephoto lens.

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