Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Loons, spruce seeds and fishing


Black spruce seed
Perhaps the best news of the summer is that the loons successfully nested on Red Lake. The resident pair near our cabin had two young. They were nearly full grown when we left. We saw loons with young in many other parts of the lake too.

I am stumped on what makes a good loon nesting year. Our pair had not fledged any young in five years and that seemed to be a common condition around the lake. Last spring we had very high water and very cold temperatures. I guess that's just what the loons wanted.

It was also a great year for the conifers to produce cones. Both the black spruce and balsam fir around our place were so top heavy with cones that the tree tops were nodding. When the spruce cones opened in early September their single-winged seeds rained down for weeks. 

Alas, the cold start to the fishing season screwed things up all summer. Walleye never seemed to come into the shallows to spawn and when the water did warm up in July the fish just stayed out in the deep.

I caught only three walleye off the dock all summer. Normally I would catch dozens. I probably only caught a half a dozen pike and just two bass. I did have a small lake trout follow my lure in June.

Brenda and I did manage to get a couple of pike to eat by taking to the boat about six times. On our last trip we were skunked.

The best fishing always comes from early warm springs. That's what the fish like and what we want too.


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back and sharing content. I check daily for updates and enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures you share.
Mike S

Dan Baughman said...

Thanks and it's good to be back.

Dee Hall said...

Hey Dan I was there the first week and caught quite a lot of northern and about six walleye plus one eighteen inch smallmouth bass but no northern over 36" still had a good trip hope to see you next year. Dee Hall

Dan Baughman said...

That's great to hear. Wished we had met up when you were there.

Anonymous said...

It is great to see blogs, do enjoy them. This was actually one of my best years for number of walleye and size. I was there in early August.

Dan Baughman said...

Well, maybe it was just me then.

Beautiful skies morning and night