Sunday, December 24, 2023

What's missing in this Christmas photo?


Our house in Nolalu, near Thunder Bay, Ont., Dec. 24, 2023
This will be a first for us. No snow on Christmas. 

It is pretty much the same story across Canada. 

There is a drought taking place from Thunder Bay west to Kenora that could become problematic next summer. Check out the following screenshot from that shows drought intensity. The darker the colour, the drier the soil is. 

The situation is less acute up at Red Lake but way up north, near Hudson Bay, it is terrible. 

Here in Nolalu and other Thunder Bay area rural townships most shallow wells have gone dry. We have already gotten one tanker truck delivery of water.

Temperatures are far warmer than normal and that is not all bad. Judging from our wood pile I would say we have used half the energy this winter to heat the house. 

There is still a lot of time left to get some snow. What has happened in recent years is we get about half our snowfall in the month of April. That is usually extremely wet stuff that takes down power lines and closes roads.

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