Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The deer rut begins with first snow


Nice whitetail makes the first scrape on our property
We had escaped the first snowfalls of the season until last night when we got about an inch of the white stuff. That was enough to set off the whitetail rut. This nice eight-pointer made his scrape right in front of my trail camera.

The deer population took a shellacking in these parts from last spring's deep snowfalls, so much so that I wondered if any had survived. I couldn't find a track on our land for days when we returned to Nolalu from Red Lake. 

Today's tracking snow and the photo above showed there are still some around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture of that nice 8 pointer. Let's hope we don't get so much snow this year.

Quiz of the day: what's this?