Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Climate change is killing us

Mostly this is what passes for a clear day now -- gagging smoke from forest fires.


Anonymous said...

I just read a post from Black Bear Lodge on Facebook. The were praising Dan for going to Black Bear Lodge and saving sinking boats, starting generators ect because of wildfires. One comment said the world needs more Dan.... I've always thought that. Thanks for being Dan

Ray G said...

Hi Dan: You are correct and I wonder if it is not too late to do anything about it.
Nice to see you have the solar system up and running, I'm sure that makes things go a lot smoother.
The clear day picture sure is be

Anonymous said...

Dan, I assume you mean man made climate change. I always ask and never get a answer to this question. If this is made man, then how did the last Ice Age stop when man wasn't around yet. How did we melt the 2 miles of ice that covered 1/2 of north America, Also I believe it was much warmer and seas higher for the dinosaurs. How did we did we change it from then. I guess there hasn't been different climates on earth until now.

Dan Baughman said...

There have certainly been climate changes in the past as shown in deep ice cores, tree rings and other methods. There have also been ice ages that have occurred in a more or less regular pattern. These are caused by shifts in the Earth's orbit around the sun, the tilt of its axis and a wobble in its axis. There have also been changes due to plate tectonics and giant meteors that struck the Earth and wiping out the dinosaurs. None of those things explain what is happening now. What does explain it is the amount of greenhouse gas humans have put into the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. The same forensic evidence cited above shows there is a direct link between increased carbon dioxide and increased atmospheric temperature. The heat we are seeing now is exactly what was predicted 50 years ago. It's the most carbon dioxide the Earth has seen in 400,000 years and it has doubled since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
If you do some research you will find there is a mountain of evidence that what we are experiencing today and will continue to experience in ever-worsening scenarios is man-made climate change.

Dan Baughman said...

Regarding the Black Bear comment, the Slaviches helped us just as much during that fire incident. We were out of food and Jim told us to help ourselves to their supplies while they were stuck behind down at Ear Falls waiting to get back to Red Lake.

Dan Baughman said...

Another neighbour, Lee, also came to our aid by giving us 5 gallons of gas. This let us keep using our generator for work and put something in our fishing boat motor.

Quiz of the day: what's this?