Saturday, October 22, 2022

Out of the bush; cabin exterior done

Main cabin is at left in this scene as we towed our dock over to the camp for the winter

We've been home for a few days now. We succeeded in completely finishing the exterior of our cabin -- steel siding, aluminum fascia and all. The interior is left to do next year. At least it will be out-of-the rain work. 

There is no cell phone reception at our cabin which explains our lack of posts this summer. However, I have discovered one spot about 200 feet behind the place that gets a bit of signal. We will work over the winter to see if we can get a system that will bring that down to the cabin. Meanwhile, I can resume blogging this winter from our home in Nolalu.


Ray G said...

Hi Dan. So glad to hear you were able to finish the outside before winter set in.
Glad to hear from you and know you are home safe and sound for the winter.

Dan Baughman said...

Thanks, Ray. We had light snow on the ground the last couple of mornings. The geese, even the snow geese which are the last to go, were long gone. Any day, I thought, we will see snow birds (snow buntings), but we didn't. They always are just ahead of heavy snow.

Quiz of the day: what's this?