Saturday, May 14, 2022

Red Lake ice is starting to break up!


Today at Red Lake Marine. Sherry McCoy photos


"When it's over so they say,

It'll rain a sunny day"

John Fogerty

Have You Ever See the Rain

Creedence Clearwater Revival.  

Somehow, nature has rained away the ice. It isn't over yet but the lake is starting to break up. There has been lots of rain and little sun. Whatever.

The lake might be opening but the highways are stiff iffy. Lots of road closures due to flooding.

Red Lake itself is at or near flood stage as seen in the photos.

I plan to head to Red Lake next weekend, giving the ice more time to bash itself to pieces on the lake and road crews a chance to work on the highways.


Matt said...

Hi Dan - Any recommendations for a group travelling from IL this weekend? Proceed as scheduled or reconsider? Are there any good alternatives to the 105 should it remain closed?

Thank you,

Dan Baughman said...

Matt, see the posting above.

Matt said...

Thanks, Dan!

Quiz of the day: what's this?