Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Notable dates from Canada's snow capital

 May 4 and the last of the snow has disappeared off the roof. Does this mean the endless winter has ended?

April 26, I put the snow tires back on the car after the latest, nightly, snowfall.

March 21, after a week of above-freezing temperatures the snow has melted a lot. Then came three more feet in April.

What does this mean for ice-out at Red Lake? Not a darn thing.

Nolalu was the snow capital of Canada this year. We may have tripled or quadrupled our normal precipitation. Red Lake wasn't in the Banana Belt but at least it wasn't like this.

Blue skies and cozy temperatures are in the offing for both places. I still think ice-out up there is likely around May 22. Around here? No idea.


Anonymous said...

Ice out by 5/19 for opening day! Think warm thoughts and fish on the line.
Mike S

Dan Baughman said...

Nearly hot there today. Those warm thoughts seem to be working!

Quiz of the day: what's this?