Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Moose in our backyard a rare site


Time stamp is incorrect. The hour was actually about 6:30 a.m.
Once upon a time it wasn't unusual to find moose tracks on our 65 acres in Nolalu, Ont. But for the past 20 years there has been almost nothing but whitetail deer. Now I usually find one set of moose tracks in a year.

This cow moose was just passing through a couple days ago. She had followed the ridge behind our place until she came upon one of my trails, then followed it right to our house which is just out of sight in this photo. She then retraced her steps a bit and took a new bearing to the north. I would bet she then turned east again, crossed our road and went into the bush on the other side. Moose are very purposeful in their movements and when they come by here they seem to have some place in mind in the far distance.

This is actually the second moose I captured on a trail camera this fall-winter. The other was a bull who came by in September, also heading east.

 Does seeing two moose in a single year mean they are coming back? Hard to say but I hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great shots, thanks for sharing.
Mike S

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