Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Remembering why nothing lasts forever

Yesterday there was no snow. Today there is six inches

 It is Remembrance Day -- Veterans Day in the U.S.  It's a time to reflect on all of those who gave their lives so that we could live ours.

A rare hollow log

It also makes me think about life, period. Dogs die and puppies are born. Magnificent trees get imperceptibly taller each year except for those blown down in tornadoes or broken off by heavy snow. Once in a great while a dead tree trunk turns into a hollow log. 

Today a buck walks into the sunlight

Buck deer are walking hundreds of miles without sleeping. A month from now they will sleep and sleep and barely walk at all.

Everything changes every day. That is called Life.

Bucks will come back to the cedar swamps in a month to rest

When things don't change it is called Death. 

1 comment:

joe overman said...

The great circle of life!

Quiz of the day: what's this?