Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reflecting on what was missing

Scene off our dock this summer

In the 56 years that the Baughmans owned and operated Bow Narrows Camps it was our good fortune to have seen nearly 20,000 guests, almost all from the United States. By comparison the Municipality of Red Lake has only 4,000 residents.

Many, many of those guests came year after year, generation after generation. Some came more than once a year. I would like to say something here on their behalf.

These people love Red Lake. They love Bow Narrows Camp. They love Northwestern Ontario and they love Canada. Their annual trips were far more than just about catching fish. They were a sanctuary from the stress and madness of modern life, a way to cope, a balm for the soul.

The ability to boat alongside loons, to see moose and other wildlife, stand in awe at night under the Milky Way, meant everything to them. 

We know how sad they were that they couldn't come this summer. We were sad too. We missed those handshakes and hugs, the jokes, the catching-up on life stories. We love you all.

We just need to stay safe. Stay smart. Beat the virus. And get back up here!

When we were at the cabin this summer we heard the Grand Old Opry one Saturday starring Molly Tuttle and Old Crow Medicine Show. Here's a link to a YouTube video with them that was not part of that night but I think you will find it particularly relevant to the posting above.


'Santa' Doug said...

Greetings from West Tennessee, Dan and Brenda!

It has been a year of years, there is no doubt about that. Like you stated, and like others have felt, I hated not being able to cross that border to enjoy the treasures of Red Lake, Ontario this past summer. It has definitely left an unfilled void in my heart and soul. Not only that, I wasn't able to cross the narrows for a wonderful visit with the two of you. We will just put in the time and put all our hopes into the summer of 2021. Let's not forget our future promise of attending a Thunder Bay Border Cats game together!

Keep safe and stay healthy my dear friends,

'Santa' Doug Billings
Lexington, Tennessee

joe overman said...

We miss you LSO!

joe overman said...


Quiz of the day: what's this?