Friday, May 15, 2020

One busy week for this trail camera


Red fox
I have another episode of A Yankee in the Canadian Bush to publish but I have been slowed down by converting some slides into digital photos. Speaking of photos ...
I quit checking my trail cameras late last winter because there was so little on them. Finally I picked up the camera above and found all of these creatures which had appeared within a week of each other.
I enlarged the shot of the fisher because he was in the far background. It is a really nice fisher. The lynx is small, probably last year's kitten. The wolf is about average. The red fox is only the second fox we saw all winter.


Anonymous said...


Are the times of the photos accurate? Wouldn't it be odd for a wolf to be out in the middle of the day?

Dan Baughman said...

Yes, the camera clock should be fairly accurate and you are right, it is unusual to photograph a wolf in broad daylight. This camera was set about a half-mile from the road, however. It is basically in the middle of the bush. Wolves aren't as skittish back there. I had photos of another wolf on a different day too. He was about one-third larger than this one but the photo was blurry.

Quiz of the day: what's this?