Saturday, February 1, 2020

🎶 Macho, macho man, I wanna be...🎶

"Rugged individualism, derived from 'individualism', is a term that indicates the ideal whereby an individual is totally self-reliant and independent from outside, usually state or government assistance." -- Wikipedia.
So you're a big, tough guy, right? You don't need no stinkin' help from anybody, do you? You pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, went to the School of Hard Knocks, forged your identity, blazed your own trail. You are one self-made, righteous dude!
That is the image many North Americans see when they look in the mirror. And it's an utter fairy tale.
Those of us driving big honkin' pickup trucks, racing fast cars and scorching the pavement on choppers and hawgs can get no farther on our own than our umbilical cord to Mama Oil will allow.
We are babies nursing at the gas teat.
Do you really want to be on your own? Then cut mommy's apron strings and get yourself an electric vehicle. Get your own solar system. Make your own power.  I repeat: YOUR OWN power.
Suck it up, Buttercup. It's time to be a man.

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