Monday, December 30, 2019

Splitting-tire prevents back aches

Old ATV tire is screwed onto top of chopping block
The split pieces of wood stay inside the tire
Bending over to pick up split pieces of firewood is one of those things that leads to back aches. You can eliminate the whole bending over process by fastening a tire to the top of the chopping block. The split pieces stay inside the tire.  It can also save on maul handles if you are one of those people who occasionally miscalculates where the head of the maul, or axe, is in relation to the block of wood.
It would be a good idea to have a couple combinations of tire sizes and chopping blocks. It is great when the tire is small enough that when you split a chunk the pieces stay upright, ready to be split again. However, you don't want the tire to be too tight when you put in the whole block as it expands once it is split and may be difficult to remove.

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