Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Construction begins on our cabin

There was plenty of sandy-loam that is ideal for septic system

New boat worked great. Now we need a dock!
We have broken ground on our new cabin, literally. Last week we installed an EcoFlo peat moss septic system. This is the same type of system used at the camp. It filters effluent to near-drinking water standards before discharging into the soil.
Brenda, Cork and I will be on site at various times all summer now building the rest of what is needed. We start with a dock, then a shed, then the cabin.
I got to use our new (to us) 20-foot Eastern boat last week and just love it. This craft has a "Downeast" hull style that should make the trip to town on windy days a breeze (pun intended).
It can also be used for fishing.

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