Sunday, May 5, 2019

Whitefish Lake clear of ice May 5, 2019

Yeah, baby! This is what we wanted to see!
Cork and I drove out to Whitefish Lake today expecting to see it covered in ice and instead saw this man launching his boat! The ice broke up a couple of days ago, he said.
Whitefish Lake is about 60 kms (35 miles) southwest of Thunder Bay.
In some Internet searching this morning I also found that Lake of the Woods is mostly clear of ice. Eagle Lake is starting to breakup too. The ice sheet is shifting and smashing.
The news isn't as rosy for Red Lake, 110 miles north of Eagle Lake. Melting has occurred right at the shoreline but it doesn't appear any shifting is going on. The high there today was expected to only be 3 C or just above melting. Warmer temps are coming but will remain below normal.

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