Monday, April 29, 2019

'Cruelest Month' is almost over

Scene out our window in Nolalu today
There is nothing more depressing than a blizzard in the spring. It started this morning and the snow is expected to continue for the next few days although the bulk of it should come down today. Here in Nolalu we are expecting 5-15 cms (2-6 inches). Rats!
I knew it had to happen because the robins showed up about a week ago and robins are always snowed upon. Talk about a bittersweet moment: you see the first robin and you say "Yay! Spring is here!" and then you think, "Oh, no! It is going to snow some more."
The truth however is we have been blessed by beautiful spring weather. The snow had almost totally disappeared and the ground was drying up nicely. The melt occurred gradually enough that there was no flooding. We are so much more fortunate than our friends in Eastern Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick where record floods are all occuring.
There are only three weeks to go before the start of fishing season! Will there be open water? It looks that way. Although the weather has cooled off from what it was the last two weeks, everything is still melting. Red Lake missed this snowfall and that's a plus. Such an event always sets things back until the snow is melted.
I'm sticking with my 2019 ice-out or breakup forecast for Red Lake of May 12.  Come on sunshine! I want to have a fish fry!


Kim Gross said...

After seeing that, I guess I'll quit complaining about our cold rain!

Dan Baughman said...

Hi Kim,
We ended up with six inches on the ground this morning. Since it started snowing yesterday at about 8 a.m. and the snow didn't even begin to stick until the afternoon I have to believe we got a lot more than six inches or 15 centimeters.
It will take several days to melt, then we can start thawing lakes again.
Fortunately for us, Red Lake did not get this storm.

Quiz of the day: what's this?