Thursday, March 7, 2019

Here comes the sun!!!

Hope to finish woodshed this weekend. Large bump at right is propane tank buried in 3 feet of snow.
And we say, "It's all right!"
After a cold and snowy winter, the forecast from here on out is for average-to-above average temperatures.
There is a lot of snow to melt so depending on how fast that happens we could be in for some flooding. I have heard that the Red River in North Dakota and Manitoba is predicted to flood.
The best scenario is when the melting occurs gradually which is usually what happens. I would expect most Northwestern Ontario lakes will be higher than normal after ice-out and that's a good thing. Northern pike love to spawn in lowland areas around lakes that are only underwater for a month or so. These spots are clear of silt and allow the eggs to get plenty of oxygen.
The melting snow will also raise the water table in the ground and that might reduce the spring and early summer forest fire danger.
Yeppurs, spring is coming!

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