Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Children now the only adults in the room

We live in unprecedented times. You hear this every day. But the ultimate example is that little children are now our only leaders. While their parents and grandparents sit like stoned zombies as the clock runs out on keeping our planet livable little kids are taking action. They realize that it is their future that is being squandered.
School kids everywhere have for years been the best recyclers and reducers of waste. They have been making posters, planting trees and writing stories on how to save the planet which they instinctively know is their one and only home. These were things that little people could do. They are too young to drive so they can't make choices on what type of family vehicle is best for the environment. They can't vote for adults to represent them in government. They would seem to be the most helpless members in society to affect change. Well, no more. Now they are organizing and taking the U.S. government to court.
They must hurry because if they wait to become adults to take action their brains will be so loaded with hydrocarbon particles from breathing gas and diesel fumes they will end up sitting in a stupor just like the old folks. CBC television's The Nature of Things revealed new research that is finding hydrocarbon particulates penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Brains of people who are exposed to lots of auto fumes resemble those with Alzheimer's.

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