Thursday, March 29, 2018

When the cat's away the wolves will play

Note the yellow eyes

This pair look like they mean business

A great spot for a nap

Before long they will need to shed those shaggy coats
Brenda and I and our dog, Cork, were down in the States visiting for a few weeks and while we were gone the wolves decided to make themselves right at home.
Cork and I took a walk today to pick up our trail camera cards and found three deer kills right on the trail. No doubt there are many more farther into the bush.
I guess with no new scent from me on our trails the two wolves shown above felt pretty relaxed. It's unusual to get a photo of a wolf in the day anytime yet here is one even taking a nap.
We were happy to see that about half of the snow here in Nolalu melted while we were away. I don't think Red Lake was as lucky. It has stayed cold there. In fact it is -16 C there tonight.

1 comment:

Dan Baughman said...

Nolalu would be a great place for researchers to study wolf-deer population interactions. Wolves are abundant here but then so are whitetail deer, their main prey. The predators never seem to put much of a dent in the prey population.
It would also be a wonderful opportunity to study people's perceptions of these two species. For example, anyone who lives here will be aware of the deer: you see them all the time along the roads, in fields, eating your flowers, etc. However, it is possible to live your entire life here and never see the wolves: they avoid people, are mainly active at night and stick to heavy cover. Yet, I suspect the area is as saturated with wolves as their territorial natures will allow.

Quiz of the day: what's this?