Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Nice and toasty without any fuel

Upper number is temperature outside, bottom is temperature inside
The sun had only been up for two hours and already it warmed our sunroom to a comfy 22 C despite it being -16 C outdoors this morning.
The sunroom started out the morning at -1 C while the outside air was -20 C. It gets a dribble of heat from our furnace but for all intents and purposes is unheated. A full basement beneath that connects to our main basement provides a smidgen of warmth also.
The point of the photo is just to illustrate that we can get heat absolutely free from the sun and not continue to add to the pockets of the one per cent that own the fossil fuel industry and who have more wealth than the other 99 per cent of us.
That's my solar flashlight in the window, charging up. I haven't bought a flashlight battery in years now.


Anonymous said...

Hello Dan One the news this morning I saw a segment about moose near Lake Superior. A study showed that their skull size has shrunk 16%. You can find the article on www.WXOW.com TV out of Lacrosse WI. Search for moose. I thought you might be interested in this.

Dan Baughman said...

I had not heard of this so thanks for letting me know. From what I have been able to read, the animals are considerably smaller now than 40 years ago. By itself that could just be the result of living on an island, even a big one like Isle Royale. Newfoundland moose, for instance, are smaller than mainland moose. The research, however, also showed that animals born in warm years were smaller than ones born in colder years. That indicates that climate change could be impacting the animals. In Minnesota the warming climate has been shown to be at least partly responsible for the disappearing moose herd.

Quiz of the day: what's this?