Friday, December 29, 2017

Let's not be like the buffalo hunters

We have reached a fork in the trail
It has been decades in coming but we are finally at the brink of a new era -- turning around climate change. We have the knowledge, the tools, the technology and finally, finally, we are finding the will.
The revolution has begun with such things as ending coal-fired power stations and carbon pricing on the macro scale and roof-mounted solar panels and electric vehicles (EVs) on the personal side.
It is full steam ahead from here on. There is lots of work to do and that's exciting.
Let's start with a network of EV charging stations that is at least as large as the current one for gasoline.
Think about what is involved to install a charging station: an electrician and a special plug-in cord. Call an electrician today and you can have a charging station up and running tomorrow. It just takes awareness that there is a quantum shift taking place in our society and figuring how you can take part -- and benefit -- from that shift. And here is where individual entrepreneurs can get a jump on the competition.
Take the case of the Beaver Motel in Nipigon, of all places.
The Beaver Motel has an EV charging station! Guess what? It is one of the few EV charging stations in Northern Ontario! Everybody traveling by EV stops at the Beaver Motel. They spend the night there. It is boosting business. The Beaver Motel has an amenity that the largest motel chains in North America lack.
So good for the Beaver! It is a leader. But it also shows the opportunities waiting to be had for other businesses. Tim Horton's, where the heck are you?
When you travel across Northern Ontario, in particular, but really anywhere in Canada, there are long distances between communities. When one finally shows up just about everybody stops, uses the bathroom and gets a snack, like a cup of coffee and a donut. We also just need a break from driving. The biggest cause of accidents on our rural highways are people who just fall asleep at the wheel.
It takes 30 minutes for a fast DC charge of an EV. That is just about the perfect break time. Hit the bathroom. Grad a cup of coffee and a donut. Stretch your legs.
There's a Tim Horton's restaurant in a great many towns across Canada. They should all have EV charging stations. Ditto for McDonalds, A&W, all the chain restaurants and all the motel chains. Such places are always on the hunt for ways to attract customers. Well, here's one and it's a biggie.
How many occasions do you get to bring in extra business and save the planet at the same time? Now is the time to make a difference.
Personally, I don't want my grandkids and great grandkids asking me the question I would like to have asked my own great grandfather's generation who wantonly all-but-exterminated the largest wild animal herd ever to have walked on the planet, the buffalo.
How could you have been so stupid?

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